The results were that they did better in the container, probably because they were drier than those in the ground. We are looking forward to trying these out in the culinary sense as I haven't tried growing garlic before.
This is the pepper plant together with the fruit on the plant later on, it is a D'Asti Giallo Yellow pepper plant and has a few more flowers and fruits growing on it.
I grew garlic for a couple of years, but always in the ground. I stopped because I thought I could make better use of the garden patch.
What size container did you use, and how closely did you plant the bulbs?
BTW, glad you're back!
My mint and basil are doing quite well, we have one actual tomato amid numerous blooms, and the pepper plant has some blooms. The watermelon doesn't seem to be doing anything, but maybe it's too early. I've never tried garlic - I'll be interested to see how you do, because we use a LOT of it.
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