02 January 2013

New Year thoughts

I didn't make any new year resolutions but instead set out a path for me to explore. Not follow, explore. I will be trying new things, going to new places, learning new things and while I know that not everything will work or be successful, or even enjoyable, it will not stop me wandering on.

Having finished the PGCE and not having the funding to do the course I want, I am concentrating my efforts on other things. I have seen some lovely felted animals that gets my creative thoughts wondering if i could do the same sort of thing, likewise I would love to try painting though I have never been artistic and would love to improve my photography skills.

I have some more personal aims, but more of those later


Relax Max said...

I like your positive attitdue. I think you should go for it.:)

Happy New Year.

Janet said...

Hello, dear, I am trying in 2013 to catch up with my lovely blogging friends. I like the way you have put this.