Today, two years ago, my heart was heavy as I made the last journey to the vets with Sam my beloved Jack Russell Terrier who was 17 years old but had reached the end of his days.

He was struggling to manage, and working all day meant I couldn't watch over him to ensure that he was comfortable and coping with the day to day living. If he went out into the garden, he couldn't remember how to get back into the house, life became bewildering to him with the little sight that he had and I can remember crying when I came home to find him cold and in the garden not knowing how long he had been out there..
He didn't want his favourite treat of cheese, something he was always guaranteed to do. He just wanted to be held by me, and when I phoned the vets to book him in, he just turned to look at me as if to say I had done the right thing as it was his time to leave.

Sam was a dog who was always a people dog, but took no notice of the vets that day, and they agreed that the time had come.
I am in tears as I write this, just remembering that day, yet the pictures I have of him show his character, and one day I will again have a dog when I have time to give him the lifestyle he will deserve, it won't be Sam being replaced for how do you replace something so unique?
One of my cats, Hazel, is getting close to eighteen years old. Every day I wonder how long I will have her. She is getting thin but otherwise not too bad......but, she has lived to well over 100 in 'cat lives' and has been in good health for all of them. What more could you ask. I know it's heartbreaking, I have taken 3 cats on their final journey's. If you have done your best there should be no regret.
Best wishes.....Bernard
It's heartbreaking to lose your dog, I know, but some time in the future you will find that little chink in your armour, and a little puppy dog will be allowed in once more.
Take care, and just know that he will probably still be sat at your feet looking up at you, wondering what all the tears are about, and wondering how her can help, just as he always did. x
Hello Sage, I just came over from Kippers to say Hello. I was sorry to read about how sad you feel, when you think of Sam's final days. One of my dogs Ellie is 12 next month, so this is a subject creeping into the back of my mind. Someone sent me a little poem when we lost our previous dog- "He has not gone, your precious one, Nor wandered very far, he's strolling through a country field and left the gate ajar". It makes me feel a bit better to think of a happy reunion one day. Do remember the happy times with Sam too. Big Hug Kath
I found you through, Kath. And see now I must have been led by the Universe to click on your profile, then read your post about your beloved Sam. I lost my sweet baby girl, Miss Frankie, 1.5 years ago. And I can feel your sorrow, and wish I could hug you. I don't know if you've ever read The Rainbow Bridge before but here's a link to it, and you will get to see a pic of my baby girl. She is with Sam, and they're both wearing sparkly suits instead of fur, and waiting for us at The Rainbow bridge. But they are having a blast playing while they wait. I hope reading it will bless you as much as it did me. Peace and Love to you, and Sam.
It's heartbreaking when you loose such a faithful companion. I hope you find another dog one day, who will be different but just as important to you :-)
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