Saturday - went to the opticians and found out that my prescription was not sufficient any more.. guess that's part of getting old.. I need glasses for reading and for using when I am on the computer.. which is maybe why I am having so many migraines... though my distance vision is good still so I don't need it for when I am driving.. when I checked I last had them tested in 2003 so it was well overdue to get them done. I ended up paying £175 pounds for two pairs of glasses, one with a blue tint as I see better when they have a light tint on them (for the curious.. it cuts the yellow light out making everything whiter and I have an intolerance to yellow light).
Sunday dawned bright and sunny (as forecasted) and we drove up to Silverstone for a day's motor racing with a free event the Renault World Championships.. it's my second trip to Silverstone the last time was a vip weekend courtesy of BMW which I won somehow and we had a chauffered car take and pick us up.. this time we had to drive ourselves but the event was free..
It is a mixture of different racing including the Clio, F3 and 2.5 plus a parade of historic cars.. the sun shone down and we enjoyed a great seat just opposite the pits and finish line.. only problem is now my arms are burnt.. not badly but enough to make me aware of the need for more protection next time; SOH faired less well... I did try to say it wasn't a great idea to sit there without his shirt on.. but give him his due he isn't complaining either and it must hurt.
Sounds good, but I can't help thinking there was a wee bit of trouble with cut and paste in the first paragraph...
This is all to indicate how envious I am of your trip to Silverstone.
Sympathy over the sunburn.
Cheers Elaine.. for spotting that.. not sure what happened there but I guess it is easy to see what you want to see when you are the author :-)
My own fault over the sunburn... should have taken a long sleeved shirt to cover up with.. but didn't think I would catch it quite as much as I did.
Gosh! Wasn't that awful news about the Dad and 2 children who had that dreadful accident on the way home from Silverstone? Couldn't possibly be worse. Everybody's hearts go out to the Mum and Dad.
@dickiebo : It was worse, they were on their way to Silverstone, ready to enjoy a good day racing and instead met with an awful, awful accident. My sympathy goes out to the family, and anyone involved.. as the memories will take a long time to fade away.
Be safe out there folks...
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