24 April 2008


Mushrooms thrive in the dark and moist air....

People don't.... so why then do they make training facilities either dark and moist or dark and cold, neither one of which is a good atmosphere. I have just spend the last couple of days of my life in a training course on Project Management. It was a good course, and certainly one that made you think, but at the end of each day I felt like I had been in a bat cave, and certainly I wasn't the only one who found the climatic conditions difficult to cope with.

Day 1 covered - the make up of the project team, the life-cycle of a project and using the process... an exercise in which you could communicate your information but not write it down or show it to the other people in your group; I found the latter challenging but in a good way, certainly highlighted some of the pitfalls in managing a project where your information initially was limited and your options even more so.

Day 2 covered in more detail the planning process, monitoring and managing it effectively and the team dynamics.

Do I feel better prepared now to deal with projects, yes I think so but it will be a continual process of learning and evaluation as to making it work better.

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