03 June 2009

A Good Read

I brought a copy, a few years back, of Blood Sweat and Tea by Tom Reynolds, and de man has brought out a long awaited sequel called...

wait for it...

More Blood Sweat and another cup of Tea

that's the bad news, the good news is that it is as good (if not better) than his first book and if you really want to laugh out loud in public at his antics as an ambo person then please read both of these... Tom has a way with writing that appeals to my sense of humour, both black and twisted but also hugely funny and I will never tire of reading his blog.

This is a public service announcement, I don't receive free copies from the author nor any financial reward whatsoever. It is a damn good read, and worth bringing to your attention.


Nicey said...

Hope that the packing is going well and the job hunting I am still popping in to whats happening with Sagey.....
You take care hun.


Relax Max said...

The book sounds interesting. But, frankly, it is YOU who should be writing for a living. Your writing is so interesting. I would buy a book written by you.

No more headaches like you wrote about in your last post, either.

Live where you want. Peace of mind. Satisfaction in doing what you love to do...

Okay, I'll stop.