Trouble was that the trailer was up in North Yorkshire, Harrogate to be precise. Well I had heard of Betty's of Harrogate before and figured that if we were going to drive all the way up to Harrogate then the least we could do was to visit Betty's and sample some of their wares.
We left home at just before 6.30am yesterday and arrived in Harrogate about 10am, the traffic was light and we shared the driving so it wasn't too much of a chore. We managed to find a parking place in Parliament Terrace, close to the tea rooms; mind you the road was a steep hill, see in the photo, I had visions of coming back and finding the car sliding down towards the wall at the bottom.

We later visited the shop next door where I purchased some of the tea for home, a yorkshire tea cake and some chocolate for a friend; unless my addiction to it gets the better of me and I eat it first.
If you every decide to visit Yorkshire, then I can recommend Betty's to you; unfortunately they don't have shops outside the county, but they do have an online shop.
The sat-nav unit played up trying to get the location for the trailer, we think this might have had something to do with the hills that Harrogate sits on but your guess is as good as ours was.
We managed to find the location where the owner of the trailer lived and handed over the money, he was a Goldwing rider but was giving up the camping side of things. We lifted it into the back of the car, wedged it in with some weights for and aft of the wheels and drove away heading back home.
It needs a little tender loving care, and possibly a lick of paint, but these can be remedied in due time. An order has gone in for a tow bar for SOH's bike and by the middle of August we should be ready to go camping in style.
I used to hate camping until we bought a caravan. Ahhh, camping in style.
Many years ago, I had the job of travelling the length and breadth of the UK sampling hotels for our Company Conference. When we were in Harrogate, B visited Betty's and bears out your description. Happy days. Well, sort of! Certainly nice countryside.
Waitrose have a recipe though I've no idea how authentic it would be.
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