31 July 2009

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Thanks to the Jobbing Doctor who keeps me up to date with the Swine Flu Pandemic here is a link to a great site

I love the advice column... I have a black cloak and some red paint but seemingly here at the back of beyond we appear to be out of the reach of the swine flu.. though no doubt there is someone somewhere in the local vicinity who is a 'plague' victim...

The title for this post is because I was (and still am) an avid reader of the Readers Digest and loved finding the Laughter is the Best Medicine pages... cheered me up at the Dentists and generally made my day...


dickiebo said...

Some things will for ever be in our minds. LITBM is one of them. Like 'Humour in Uniform', etc.
Must say, I thought that the Reader's Digest went 'out' years ago!

Janet said...

I saw an issue of RD on the stand at the grocery store the other day and went right to LITBM! Good stuff. I periodically have sent stuff in, but they never thought I was funny enough. At least not funny enough to pay. :)