PS. Happy Birthday to me, to celebrate with the people that I love is more important than anything else I have at the moment :-) To everyone else, thank you for your kind wishes, and your continued visits.
As I look back on the day, what were the most significant events?
It was finding that essential bit of paper that I needed to find.
In what ways was this day unique, different from other days?
I think the light at the end of the tunnel is not more work, but instead offers hope
Did I have any particularly meaningful conversations?
Yes one about work and the future, and the other about the future and togetherness
Did I do any reading?
Only a limited amount, but I hope to extend that
What were my reactions to it?
It is mainly for interest and to keep up my knowledge in that subject (e-learning)
How did I feel during the day?
Tired, but only because it seemed like a very long day before home-time
What were the emotional highs and lows?
The possibility of being able to do a course which would qualify me as a teacher, and to be provided with the opportunity of teaching work.
The end of a long day, and feeling sometimes a little like an outsider in a close family.
Why did I feel as I did?
Sometimes it is my pigheadedness, about not wanting to cause an argument, so I bite my tongue.. still it is not going to be forever and today is another day.
Did I find myself worrying about anything today?
Yes, until I found that bit of paper that told me all the drains and plumbing at the house of the Back of Beyond is covered by insurance I was concerned as I need to get someone to look at why the drain in the back is full.
What were the chief joys of the day?
Sending out a whole batch of certificates to candidates who will be overjoyed to receive them.
What did I accomplish?
Quite a lot, see above.
Did I fail at anything?
Yes, communications
What did I learn today?
I can do things when I set my mind and my heart to do them, but a little support goes to make it a lot easier.
When did I feel most alive?
When I was feeding the pigs, I have an affinity for them especially the brood sow, and I will miss them when we finally have our own place.
St Piran's day celebrations have continued to grow in popularity, with the annual St Piran Play on Perran Sands a highlight, hundreds of people making a pilgrimage to the site of the oratory itself, now buried in sand for preservation.
I won't be here this evening to see the celebrations as this weekend is a long weekend and trip back to see the old house once more and to continue the work of selling it.