08 April 2011

G is for

Well, any language being learned is helped by a dictionary

In Cornish this is gerva while in Welsh it is geiriadur

A dictionary or wordbook is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often listed alphabetically, with usage information, definitions, etymologies, phonetics, pronunciations, and other information.

The origins of the word go back to medieval times dictiōnārium, from Latin dictiō, dictiōn-, diction which in itself derives from the Middle English diccion which is a saying or a word this takes its roots from Latin dictiō, dictiōn-, rhetorical delivery, from dictus, past participle of dīcere, to say, speak.

So in this case, dictionary leads back to Rome.

Today is going to be a warm day, although not as hot as it will be in Rome itself it is going to be nice to see blue skies and sunshine and not be working.


Rosalind Adam said...

I love dictionaries. I can sit and read them like people read novels. (Sad, I know)

Enjoy the sunshine.

Eliza said...

My spelling is terrible, always need a dictionary at hand.. Thank goodness for spell check :-)