So 2008, my 50th birthday, was going to be the year that finally I finally got to visit the project. We had perfect Blue skies and sunshine, though the wind was a bit on the cold side, having said that it was only the 1st April and we hadn't really had much in the way of bad weather in the UK.
It was a still a relief to finally exit the humidity and enter the Mediterranean Biome as that was much drier heat and the sunshine was making it drier and more warm but not as humid as the other one. It is still growing into itself, and though the past 7 years have seen it mature, it will be good to revisit it in the future and see it changing. We finished off the visit with a walk around the gardens outside and the exhibits all around the site, glad I was wearing a comfortable pair of shoes as it would have been sore feet in anything else.
Dad would have loved it, especially the community gardens outside, he would have been comparing how his vegetables looked against those in that section; and probably doing a lot better as he was very green fingered (apart from african violets who never seemed to do well with him).
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